We believe that “normal” is possible
At BF, it’s not just about products and services—it’s about people. We believe that normality begins with the relationships we build every day. Trust, empathy, and openness are the foundations of our actions. We believe that it’s people who create business, and their relationships are its most important asset. #normalnie
Loyalty and trust
Loyalty and trust are more than just words to us—they are a way of life. Every member of our team, along with our clients and partners, knows they can count on us. Openness and honesty in communication are our standards, creating strong bonds. When we can be ourselves, relationships become natural and genuine.
Cooperation and support
Collaboration is the key to success, and we take it seriously! We function as a team, where everyone plays an important role. That’s why we support each other in striving for common goals. Together, we celebrate successes and learn from failures. It’s just normal!
Quality and customer-centricity
We build our relationships with clients on empathy and understanding. We strive to ensure that every product and service meets their individual needs. For us, quality is not just about the choice of materials but also about respect for our clients. Customer satisfaction is our priority because it’s #normalnie to strive for the common good!
Innovation and creativity
We focus on innovation because it drives growth—not only for us as a company but also for our relationships with clients. We are open to new ideas and inspirations that can make our services even better. We encourage creativity in each team member because every new idea can lead to groundbreaking changes!
Diversity and openness to feedback
We believe that diversity enriches our relationships. Being open to different perspectives and constructive criticism allows us to grow as a team. That’s why every voice matters to us. We learn and inspire each other because it’s #normal.
Proactivity and practicality
In our company, we don’t wait for change—we create it! We operate with our clients’ needs in mind. Flexibility is our superpower, enabling us to provide practical solutions in a dynamically changing world. Proactivity also means building relationships that are lasting and valuable.
Sustainable development
Sustainability is a conscious choice we make for the good of our community and planet. We want our actions to be ethical and socially responsible. Our values don’t stop at the desk—they permeate all the relationships we build. Because it’s #normal to care for future generations.
At BF, normality is an approach that celebrates people and relationships. It’s the trust built in everyday interactions that transforms into the strength of our brand. Each of us contributes to making our company not just a workplace but also a community that cares for one another.
We invite you to collaborate with us in this normal space, full of trust and empathy!